Ruan Team Members: Share Feedback in Our Engagement Survey!

Aug 13, 2018 By:

Ruan’s 2018 Engagement Survey will be open August 13-31. This brief, confidential survey is your opportunity to help shape the future of Ruan. We rely on engagement survey results to help evaluate our performance, inform decisions, and take action where needed. Your participation critical to our ongoing success.

Your feedback matters. Along with actions taken in your work teams, the following actions were taken as a result of 2017 survey results.

Survey Results Drive Actions

Team member feedback in 2017 led to improvement initiatives at all levels:

  • Company-wide focus on teamwork – introduction of new Team Ruan Award and Ruan News Celebrating Teamwork stories

  • Alignment of recognition programs through the Recognition At Ruan Hub site and improved recognition tools and processes

  • Introduction of MegaGoal 20/20 to challenge the organization and grow in  our safety culture

  • Initiation of quarterly Impact Meetings to improve communication of critical information, timely recognition, and encourage team dialogue

  • Transition after hours assistance to Extended Operations Center and Ruan Maintenance Assistance Center, providing seamless service to drivers and operations staff

  • Replacement of more than 700 existing fleet units with new Freightliner vehicles and related technician training
  • Addition of safety features to 2019 tractor features including disc brakes, side-detection system, and Hadley smart-valve

  • Implementation of new collaboration software, Skype For Business and Microsoft Communicator

  • Launch of standard online onboarding program for all field operations team member
  • Completion of KEY 2.0 Training Program by all field operations, logistics, and maintenance managers

  • Celebration of our technicians with Top Technician Competition and Technician Appreciation Week

Your responses are confidential. Ruan partners with an independent firm, Quantum Workplace, to facilitate this survey. Your participation, and the answers you provide, will be confidential. Your responses are provided directly to Quantum Workplace, then reported to Ruan in group data without individual information. In no way will anyone from Ruan be able to connect your responses directly to you.

Access and Login Instructions

All Ruan team members hired on or before July 1, 2018, are eligible to participate. The survey is hosted on Quantum Workplace’s Internet site and is accessible August 13-31 from any computer, tablet, smartphone or other device with an Internet connection (mobile devices need to enable JavaScript; iPads and iPhones need to allow cookies). The deadline for taking the survey is August 31; however, please complete it at your earliest opportunity. After the survey is completed, management will communicate the results to Ruan team members. Each of us will be part of the follow-up action planning and continuous improvement.

1. Enter the following URL in the address bar of your Web browser or click the link:

2. Login information: Username (first initial + last name – i.e., jsmith), Password (last four digits of your Social Security number)

3. The survey should take less than 10-15 minutes to complete. If possible, try to finish the survey in one session. If you must logout of the survey and finish at a later time, please keep these instructions so you can log back in.

4. When you are finished, close your web browser to ensure your responses are confidential.

5. If you have questions about the survey, please email or call (402) 519-2141.